Numero 10. Verano - Otoño 2021. Miami, Florida
The Healing Power of Expression:
Dramaturgy of the Anthropology of Being
Jorge Luis Morejon discussed with the audience his article El Poder Sanador de la Expression: Dramaturgia de la Antropologia del Ser (The Healing Power of Expression: Dramaturgy of the Anthropology of Being published in the journal Racata. In this presentation that place on he explained to the audience how archeology is used in January 7th, 2022, as part of Noches Con Chicho, at the Miami Hispanic Cultural Arts Center, his essay as a metaphor to discover unburied trauma through the creative process facilitated by body movement.
This archeological finding is then interpreted using the tools of anthropological inquiry, which is not manifested verbally, but trough body expression. The use of the free associations that emerge from this process provides a vocabulary that is ultimately used to create a dramaturgy that elevates trauma to new artistic heights.