Teaching and Learning Pages

Thursday, November 15, 2018

COISO: International Dance Competition 2018

University of Miami international students founded the Council of International Students and Organizations (COISO) in 1967 with the intent to promote and defend the interests of all international students and organizations; to integrate international students with campus life and the community where possible, to provide cultural and social activities for all students; to name and nominate official representatives of this council to all University of Miami committees as requested; to assist all international students and organizations on campus that so request it, in coordinating and harmonizing their campus activities; to help interested international groups to organize and become registered as approved organizations at the University of Miami; to provide services and information to the University and the student body and to refrain from sponsoring any political ideas or activates emanating from outside campus issues.

On Thursday, November 15th, at 9:00 PM, at the Rock, COISO hosted the International Dance Competition 2018. This annual competition organized by COISO, invited various organizations around campus to show off their culture in a dance battle. This year’s theme was Disney's House of Villains!  Dr. Jorge L. Morejon was invited to judge the competition. Groups such as FSA, Virus, Sugar Canes, Olokun, etc, performed to make a statement about not only villains, but about diversity. The dance and music mediums were a conduit to express students ‘culture and love for the arts. Costumes, make up, music, choreography and stage skills combined to entertained a well attended event with lots of opportunities for student participation. There was food, there were games, there was dance and music and there was fun.


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