Teaching and Learning Pages

Friday, June 7, 2019

Dances of Universal Peace, Sacramento 2019

Jorge Luis Morejon visited The Dances of Universal Peace (DUP) in Sacramento, California. The dance is a spiritual practice that combines singing and dancing with the sacred phrases of the world's main religions and other traditions such as Native American rituals. The dances are all danced in a circle, while the musicians remain in the middle. Every song has its own particular choreographic order and meaning in reference to the song and the believe. They all serve as a medium to worship one common God or Energy no matter one's denomination or religious affiliation. 

First there was a Sufi prayer said by the group. Then the dance started with a Native American song and dance. It was followed by a Sufi dance and song. Then another member introduced a Hindu dance and song. One favorite was the dance and song in Spanish:

"Quedaremos amando al amador"

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