Teaching and Learning Pages

Thursday, October 17, 2019

54th ADTA's GRAND OPENING: The Healing Power of Expression: A Journey of Trauma, Pain and Transformation



In collaboration with Susan Kleinman, commissioned by Renfrew Foundation for Eating Disorders, and interpreted by Jorge Luis Morejon, The Healing Power of Expression: A Journey of Trauma, Pain and Transformation narrates the transitions in the life of an immigrant and the intersections of his multiple life experiences. Childhood in his country of origin, migration to a new country and adaptation to another system are narrated as traumatic life experiences.

Sociopolitical unrest makes him and his family the subject of official and public repudiation. The arrival to a new country faces him with new and seemingly insurmountable challenges: a new identity, a new language, a new reality and the trauma caused by all of these circumstances.
The intensity of the piece speaks to those who in the face of unbearable circumstances are forced to leave to another country as immigrants with no option to return. The uncertainties of having to start a new life, the challenges and adaptations needed to fit in and the otherness implicit in being an immigrant may cause physical, psychological and emotional pain, a reality with which many audience members may identify.
However, the piece does not dwell in the difficulties of such experience, quite the opposite; it underlines the transformative power human beings have, specifically immigrants, to overcome all kinds of adversities.
Despite the intensity of the piece, pain and trauma are presented as rites of passage into a more meaningful and fulfilling life. The transformation makes him stronger, more powerful and capable. Despite the narrated experiences, the immigrant wins in the end when he realizes he is closer than ever to achieving his full potential as a human being.

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