Teaching and Learning Pages

Friday, January 24, 2020

Dance and Jazz Improvisation / 2020


You’re Invited
to experience
music and dance
 improvisational style
guided by our guest teacher-
Maria Schneider
 and professors-
Stephen Guerra Jr., Jorge Morejon, Carol Kaminsky, Samantha Pazos
All are welcome
whatever style of music you play
whatever style you dance
let’s explore, experiment, and discover
Friday, January 24 9:30-11:00
Clarke Recital Hall
Free Event 


The video above documents dancer Jorge Luis Morejon's and musician Donny McCaslin's work during an improv. jam organized by Professors Maria Schneider, Carol Kaminsky and Stephen Guerra.Jr. This event was part of a collaborative effort between the Dance Program and the Jazz Department of the Frost School of Music at the University of Miami. The event gathered dance and music students who paired up with each other to explore how dance improv and jazz improvisation affect the way dancers and musicians perform. In a personal email to Morejon, Schneider said "Thank you for enthusiastically following my whimsical idea… It was wonderful to watch you dance. You were amazing…"

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