Teaching and Learning Pages

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

XXX International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association

Toward a Third Century of Independence in Latin America.

Paper Title: Caribbean First Ritual Performance Practices: Restoring the Areito.

Marriot Marquis Hotel. San Francisco, California. May 23rd – 26th, 2012.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

It’s all about love Sunday night at gallery performance

May 18, 2012 - Posted by Special to The Enterprise

Jorge Luis Morejon and Linda Bair will dance Sunday evening at the John Natsoulas Gallery, 521 First St. in downtown Davis. Mattias Falk/Courtesy photo“A Small Evening About Love” will be presented at 7 p.m. Sunday at the John Natsoulas Gallery, 521 First St. in downtown Davis.

Love in all its grandeur and messiness is the theme of the night. Artists, most of them local, will address the subject through dance, poetry or prose.

The seed of the idea came from the reunion of Linda Bair, artistic director of the Linda Bair Dance Company, and Jorge Luis Morejon, dancer, actor and opera singer currently teaching at the University of the West Indies in Trinidad.

Two years ago, the dancers met while Morejon was finishing his Ph.D. in performance at UC Davis and they decided to work together. Over the course of many months of exploration in the dance studio, “My Hands/Tus Brazos” was created. The dance is a passionate exploration of love in a long-term relationship.

Morejon will be back in Davis this weekend and so the two will again be able to present their piece.

“So many people have come up to speak to me each time we perform it, sharing their own story about love or guessing at ours,” Bair said in a news release.

Wanting to see more cross-pollination between artists, they have invited other local artists to join them in sharing work about love.

“My Hands/Tus Brazos” opens the evening, followed by poetry from Davis’ poet laureate Allegra Silberstein; renowned poet and mom of three Jill Stengel; and UC Davis student, poet and painter Corey LaRue.

Ann Murray Paige, an award-winning journalist, writer, founder of Project Pink, a nonprofit organization supporting young women with breast cancer, and star of ‘The Breast Cancer Diaries,” will read a new piece.

Dave Griffin, actor, writer and creator of the radio series “Bunker 21,” will do a scene reading. Lastly, Cassie Gardner will give a sneak preview of a new one-woman show titled “The Break Up Letters,” a hilarious look at leaving, and leaving and leaving.

The performance is a free event and runs about an hour.


What: "A Small Evening About Love," a
performance of dance,
poetry and prose

When: 7 tonight

Where: John Natsoulas
Gallery, 521 First Street, in
downtown Davis

Cost: Free

Short URL: http://www.davisenterprise.com/?p=177278

Friday, May 18, 2012

II Congreso de Estudios Teatrales.

In-Disponer la Escena: Una reflexión sobre la puesta en escena ayer y hoy.

Paper Title: Escuela de Teatro Cubano-Exiliada: el cultivo del absurdo como técnica teatral. (Cuban Exile Theatre School: The Cultivation of the Absurd as Theatre Technique).

Universidad de Antioquia. Facultad de Artes. Auditorium Alfonso Restrepo Moreno. Edificio Comfama, San Ignacio, calle 48 # 43 – 87, Piso 4, Medellín, Colombia. May 16 to 18th, 2012.

LINK: http://www.udea.edu.co/portal/page/portal/bActualidad/Principal_UdeA