Teaching and Learning Pages

Sunday, July 13, 2014

The Healing Power of Expression at the Harkness Dance Center.

In the intimate and safe environment provided by the Alternate Route Dance Therapy Program at the 92Y in Manhattan, New York City, Jorge Luis Morejon performed The Healing Power of Expression: A Journey of Pain, Trauma and Transformation. The impromptu performance took place during the last session of the Summer Semester, on Friday, June 27, 2014.

One student commented:

"I just want to say I was so glad to see your performance today! I was too emotional to talk about it but I was so moved. We believe in the power of dance and you embodied it in your piece. It was very powerful and hopeful. I feel like now I understand where your beautiful smile came from. It came from all of your experience, effort, and passion. Now I'm talking in non-therapist mode and totally subjective...but thanks for sharing such a great piece with us!